Julie Files for Re-election + Maps

It’s official! Today, I filed to run for a second term so that I can continue to represent you as your Senator from District 49. I love working for you in Raleigh, and I hope you will send me back.

Now that the fight over the maps is settled, we know that the primary will be May 17. The district has changed, so if you’re wondering whether you’re still in District 49, here’s a map that will show you (just zoom in on Buncombe County and look for your precinct).

We have a short campaign ahead of us, and a lot to do. I need your help to make calls, knock on doors, get yard signs out, and fundraise. I hope you can help with at least one aspect of the campaign. To volunteer or request a yard sign, please sign up here.

I have raised over $30,000 in the last four months from over 125 of you, but I need at least $45,000 more to ensure victory in the primary. So, I’m asking each of you who has not yet given to please donate today so I have what I need to return to Raleigh and continue representing you.

I am proud to have again been endorsed by the Sierra Club and Lillian’s List. Other groups will be issuing their endorsements in the coming weeks, and I’ll let you know as they come in. I am grateful to these groups for recognizing my commitment to the environment and women.

Come visit with me!
In addition to knocking on doors and calling voters, I plan to be at GrindAVL coffee shop in the River Arts District on several Friday afternoons in the next two months, including March 11 and 25 from 4 to 5:30 pm. Please come by to visit, chat, and ask questions – and please bring your friends who may not know me.

That’s all the news for now but look for more in the coming weeks. And please, don’t forget to make a donation!

